On our drive out to the serengti we stopped at a rest area for lunch. On the way back to the car I spotted what appeared to be a rubber lizard on a log. As I was watching it, it moved! Turns out this is a Mwanza - a flat headed rock agama. Zoomed in iPhone shot.
This was our room and deck at the Serengti Four Seasons. Very nice. Too bad we didn't take more pictures of the place...best of the trip.
The terrain here is quite spartan. Miles of grass lands spotted with trees. This is the prime site of the migration which host 1.5 million Wildebeest and half a million zebra. Unfortunately for us we didn't get to see it.
These tall trees are the Acacia trees which are a main stay for the giraffes
Onour way into the park we saw our first Cheetah. This one seems to be eying the tree as a lookout site.
They blend in well in the grass.
Cheetah looking for prey
The giraffe are well suited for the Serengeti. Food is at their height and they can see for miles any potential danger.
You can see how being up in this tree affords one a great platform to watch for predators. Look closely do you see the Leopard?
Now you see it....the tale anyway.
Topi, a member of the antelope species
Female Topi
Secretary Bird....famous for killing snakes. They kick their prey to death and then eat it!
Spotted Hyena
A Cheetah just made a kill (see it on the ground on the left of the picture) and is looking out for anything that might want to steal it.
Walking around the catch looking in all directions.
Now back with the prey and time to enjoy it.
Vervet Monkey
Vervet Monkey
The thorns of the Acacia tree don't seem to bother the Giraffe
A lioness enjoying the midday sun. Lions blend in very well in this tall grass.
Female on the lookout for a potential meal.
Male Impala
The Elephants' watering hole next to the hotel's pool.
Like clockwork the elephants would march in to drink around 1:00pm every day.
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