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For my birthday, Tamara enrolled me in a Photographic workshop in Durango, Colorado. I was originally planning on extending the trip to include a visit to Fort Collins, Colorado and then on to Texas. As it turned out I had to shorten the trip to be back in time for our grandson's christening. I did however get a chance to visit some sites along the way. I spent the first night in Flagstaff Arizona and the following morning visited the Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument which is just outside of town. The last time I had visited the park was over 20 years ago. I then visited the Wupatki National monument which is just north of Sunset Crator. After that I headed on up to Page, Arizona, the main focus of my pre-workshop adventure. At Page, I wanted to visit the Glen Canyon Dam and Antelope Canyon. I spent two nights in Page, before heading out to Durango.