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Our first tour in St. Petersburg was to the Yusupov Palace. The palace is famous for being the place where Rasputin was murdered as a prolog to the events leading to the 1917 revolution'
After viewing the palace, we went on a river cruise of the Neva river and some of the canals.
After visiting Catherine's palace, we went to tour the Peter and Paul Cathedral inside the Peter and Paul fortress. The cathedral is the imperial burial-vault, where the Tzars, Emperors and Grand Dukes are buried.
On our second day we traveled to Catherin's palace also known as the sTzar's Village. It was started by Catherine I and finished by her daughter Elizabeth
Our final day was spent touring the Hermitage, a collection of 5 different museums. It was overwhelming.
Since our travel was very restricted to the tours, many of the rich sites were seen as we drove by them on the bus. So heres is a brief collection of some notable sites. A week is required to really see and appreciate this beautiful city.