The Marine Iguana are so ugly that they're cute.
Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Marine Iguana - They feed only on algae
These creatures are only found in the Galapagos
Against the lava, they can be hard to see.
Sally Lightfoot Crab
Sally Lightfoot Crab
When first looking at this picture it's easy to pick out the iguanas along the water. However the ones in the foreground are harder to see.
Marine Iguana - They use their powerful tail as a flipper to propel them through the water.
As cold blooded creatures, they need teh warmth from the sun and their neighbors to warm up after a dive in the ocean.
They have very sharp claws to allow them to hang onto the slippery rocks at the waters edge.
Marine Iguana can dive to depths of 30 feet.
Marine Iguana
This guy waited for a break in the line before crossing our path.
After crossing our path he turned around and looked at us as if to say Thank You.
Galapagos Land Iguana
Galapagos Land Iguana can weigh up to 30 pounds
Galapagos Land Iguana have mostly vegetarian eating habits.
Our guide, Dennis, taking a close up of this youngster.
They were seen on every turn of our walk to Dragon Hill on the island of Santa Cruz.
Their population is estimated to be between five and ten thousand.
I am about four feet from this guy.
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Land of the Iguanas