A Nazca Booby, the largest of the Boobies found in the Galapagos.
A pair of Nazca Boobies tending their eggs along the trail. The collection of rocks beneath them is their nest.
A Nazca Booby with a new-born, again on the edge of the trail
A Red-footed Booby
These Boobies nest mainly on Genovesa Island and have a wing span of 57 inches.
A Red-footed Booby
Blue-Footed Booby
The shade of blue on their feet is indicative of how good the male is at feeding himself. Females are the larger of this group and can have wing spans of up to 4.9 feet.
About half the world's Blue-Boobies live on the Galapagos.
I just had to get this shirt.
A male Frigate bird in flight.
The male Frigate-bird have red gullar sacks which they inflate to attract the female. It takes about 30 minutes for the sack to inflate.
The male in the center has been selected by the female on the right.
A baby Frigate-bird.
Short-eared Owl We were lucky to stumble on this gy as they are nocturnal.
Swallow-Tailed Gull
Brown Pelican
Yellow-crowned Night-heron
Flightless Cormorant - These birds dive for their food and can reach depths of up to 260 feet.
Flightless Cormorant
Galapagos Penguin with Sally Lightfoot Crabs
Galapagos Penguin - These are the only penguins to live on the equator, the only penguins that molt twice a year and of the 18 species of penguins they are the rarest.
American Flamingo - we only saw two of these birds in the lake at Rabida island.
Ruddy Turnstone
White-cheeked Pintail This guy is floating in a pond covered with a strange moss.
The lake behind Dick and Norman is covered with a moss. The White-cheeked Pintail in the previous image was swimming in this stuff.
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Birds of the Galapagos Islands