Southwest Photo Trip - August 2006
We were attending a wedding in Flagstaff Arizona and took the opportunity to make some photographic excursions. Our first side trip was to Sedona. We met Jeannie and John, Jeannie's brother Greg and their mother for lunch in Sedona. We took Oak Creek Canyon there and really enjoyed the scenery. Unfortunately we had very unsettled weather and ended up being the last car allowed up Oak Creek Canyon due to a huge thunder storm.

After the wedding, we took some of Tam's cousins to the Grand Canyon for a very quick tour. Of course I used the opportunity to take some pictures. The weather was fantastic for picture taking.

On our way back to California, we decided to spend a few days at Mono Lake, an ancient sister lake to the Great Salt Lake. This lake has no natural outlets and hence the water is alkaline and quite salty. In fact this causes the beautiful calcium carbonate formations called Tufas to form when fresh water hits the lake water. We spent two days there and got a chance to also visit the Mammoth Lakes region, famous for the ski resort and the eastern part of Yosemite National Park. This is definitely an area we will be coming back to.