Egypt & Jordan - March 2008
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This trip to Egypt has been on our must do list for quite some time. We finally decided to do a tour with Tauck, as we placed a lot of trust in them providing us with a very enjoyable and safe experience. I must say that any fears we had of traveling in the region were ill-founded. WE felt safe at all times, even when we ventured out on our own in Cairo and Amman.

Prior to the trip we viewed 24 hours of lectures on Ancient Egypt by Bob Brier. I have to admit we got so much out of the trip in Egypt as a result of understanding the history of ancient Egypt.

While we had some understanding of what we would see in Egypt, our expectations of Jordan were very modest. Our exposure to Petra was through the Indiana Jones Last Crusade movie. Jordan was quite a surprise. The country was clean, with a fair amount of building going on and the people were quite friendly. I could easily see my self going back.