Louisiana Swamp Tour
We've traveled to Louisiana for years visiting family and I always said I wanted to stop and photograph the many swamps that we drove by. On This trip, Tam was staying behind and spending a week with her collage room mate. This afforded me the time to photograph some swamps before I began my drive home.

Avery Island is not really a swamp, although there are some area surrounding it that are swampy. We went there last year and visited the "Jungle Gardens" and wished I had my camera. This trip I went back with my camera.

I had stopped at the visitor center on I-20 and asked where was a place that I could go to and photograph a swamp. I was told Lake Martin which is about 10 miles southeast of Lafayette would be a great spot. They had swamp tours, a bird sanctuary and a board walk taking you out into the swamp. Sounded great. So now I had a plan.

Avery Island
Lake Martin